Exploitation-Guided Exploration for Semantic Embodied Navigation

1University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2FAIR at Meta, 3Carnegie Mellon University
Corresponding Authors


In the recent progress in embodied navigation and sim-to-robot transfer, modular policies have emerged as a de facto framework. However, there is more to compositionality beyond the decomposition of the learning load into modular components. In this work, we investigate a principled way to syntactically combine these components. Particularly, we propose Exploitation-Guided Exploration (XGX) where separate modules for exploration and exploitation come together in a novel and intuitive manner. We configure the exploitation module to take over in the deterministic final steps of navigation i.e. when the goal becomes visible. Crucially, an exploitation module teacher-forces the exploration module and continues driving an overridden policy optimization. XGX, with effective decomposition and novel guidance, improves the state-of-the-art performance on the challenging object navigation task from 70% to 73%. Along with better accuracy, through targeted analysis, we show that XGX is also more efficient at goal-conditioned exploration. Finally, we show sim-to-real transfer to robot hardware and XGX performs over two-fold better than the best baseline from simulation benchmarking.


Simulation Results

In simulated results using AiHabitat, we acheive state-of-the-art performance on the object-goal task.
Performance in AiHabitat Object-Goal Task

Furthermore, XGX was more effective at exploring the environment than the previous state-of-the-art baselines..
Performance in AiHabitat Object-Goal Task

Real World Results

Robot Morphology

The robot morphology is given below, some notable key features in the wheeled robot include: (1) Four independent trains (2) LIDAR for autonomy and mapping (3) Zero radius turns help us in the policy transfer

Real-World Object-Goal Navigation Results

XGX outperforms the relevent baselines and performed the best after sim-to-real transfer of the policies.
Performance in AiHabitat Object-Goal Task

Example Real-World Rollout

Below is an example rollout collected in the real-world. The agent needs to arrive the potted plant that is multiple rooms away from the starting location.

Without Adjusting for Robot Parameters, Sim-to-Real Fails!

Below is an example rollout where the Pirlnav checkpoint is directly deployed onto our robot. We find that this direct deployment fails due to the sim-to-real gap as well as differences in the physical embodiment of the robot. The object-goal in this example is a chair.

Real World Policy Sim2Real Transfer: Peeking Behavior

Both in simulation (left) and the real world (right), the policy exhibits a "peaking" behavior, where the robot quickly enters a room, looks around, and leaves if there are no semantic cues towards the goal.

Real World Policy Sim2Real Transfer: Obstacle Avoidance Behavior

Another behavior that transfered was obstacle avoidance. Both in simulation (left) and the real world (right), the robot avoids collisions with obstacles.

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